This DVD includes footage of shots in Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, England and Ireland.
- Brief historical overview starting with the Columbia Livia Spannish Pouters (Buchones) in action in Malaga
- Standards of Pouters – Form pigeons – Wattle pigeons – Poultry pigeons – Trumpeter pigeons – Colour pigeons – Owl pigeons – Structure pigeons – Tumblers & High Flyers (Tumblers and rollers in action)
- Construction of lofts : How? Why? Where? Etc.
- Breeding systems : How to breed successfully?
- Preperation and make-up before exhibition.
- Feeds : How important?
- Pigmentation – Feather structure – Physical build, etc.
- Up-to-date feeding with the latest Immunity Concept!
- What is extrusion?
Golden tips from top breeders from Belgium, Germany, Holland, England, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark and Saudi Arabia.
A prized documentary for any fancy pigeon breeder!
Produced by NV. Versele – Laga.
Running time 1h 28 min.