Carmine Mega Forte

Carmine Mega Forte



Particular properties

Carmine, the liquid preparation, is aimed at group treatment and is to be administered in the drinking water or through the feed.

Carmine is an optimal supplement during the racing  season, as it contains all the vitamins and amino acids in the right proportions. Carmine is best combined with a high-fat diet for this purpose, Energy-Corn can be added to the grain mixture.

When and how to administer

                         Carmine ( Group treatment)                                
  In the Drinking Water (10ml/litre) Through the Feed (10ml/kg)
Long Distance Last 7 days before basketting Last 7 feeds before basketitng
Middle Distance Last 4 days before basketting Last 4 feeds before basketting
Short Distance Last 3 days before basketting Last 3 feeds before basketting


Available in 250ml bottle.