Falcon Deterrent Spray In Pink
- A pink aerosol spray that helps to cut down the number of falcon attacks.
- Hawks find the pink circular spots unnatural and confusing.
- Use in conjunction with your existing falcon deterrents.
- Extensively used in Germany to help deter raptor strikes.
- Spray a defensive mark on the outside and on the inside of the wing, with some fanciers also spraying a dot on the tail.
- Best to spray using a circular template (approx 5cm diameter) from a distance of 10-15cm from the pigeon.
- Wear gloves and overalls, as the spray can stain.
- After spraying it is important that the pigeon does not come into contact with other birds, as the spray needs a little time to dry, this depends on the ambient temperature.
- The colour lasts for approx 6 months.
- Spray approx 1 in 10 birds.
- Composite, colouring, adhesive agent, Isopropanol,
- Expanding agent, propan/butan.
- Shake well before use.
- Not available for overseas shipping.