Propre Stuff

Propre Stuff



A complimentary avian specific supplement containing pro-biotics, with pre-biotics with strategic gut enhancing vitamins and added amino acids, macro nutrients and isotonics endurance proteins, with marine extracts, micro algae and honeybee propolis. For use before and after racing and in conjuction with Trident 3 in 1. 

For use at times of stress, disease challenge, heat stress, sickness and after medication. Formulated to develop and help maintain a strong and active gut flora. Rapidly replaces nutritional losses at times of breeding, egg laying, growth, training and racing times.

A great benefit to birds of all ages. With youngsters at one week old give for 5 days, then move to a once weekly regime. Using a weekly regime for all your birds will maintain good health, better food utilisation and growth leading to great performance. Usage rates, for normal times General Regime usage add 2ml to 5ml per litre of clean water, give this as a twice weekly booster.

For week old Squabs 2ml in 500ml fresh water and give by dropper or syringe daily for 5 days, then follow General Regime. At time of heavy stress and racing, add 4ml to 6ml per litre of clean water. Do not use undiluted this is very potent, full on product. Do not exceed the stated daily dosage rates. 

Available in 500ml bottles.